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Sky Creek Ranch Employment Application

Sky Creek Ranch is always accepting applications for employment at our facility. We have several areas to choose from, and several shifts & days available. We are open year-round, 7 days a week.

If you are interested in seeking employment at Sky Creek Ranch, you can submit an employment application in 1 of 2 ways:

1) Please download & fill out the application below. It can be returned in person to our Golf Shop during normal business hours, or mailed to the address on our contact page.


--------------- OR ---------------

2) Fill out the Online version of our Employment Application below. In doing so you agree to the following terms & conditions:



Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in employment with Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club.We would like to assure you that your opportunity for employment will be based entirely on your qualifications and merit.

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and agree that GCP Management, LLC ("Company") may confirm any of the statements unless I have indicated to the contrary.  I recognize and agree that the Company may conduct a general inquiry and investigation into my background and employment history.  I authorize the referenced persons and former employers listed above, as well as all other individuals whom the Company contacts, to provide the Company any and all information concerning me and my previous employment and any other pertinent information that they may have.  Furthermore, I release all parties and persons from any and all liability for any damages that may result from furnishing such information to the Company as well as from the use or disclosure of such information by the Company or any of its agents, employees, or representatives.  I understand that any misrepresentation, falsification, or material omission of information on this application may result in my failure to receive an offer of employment or, if I am hired, it will subject me to immediate discharge.

In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to and abide by the rules and standards of the Company and agree that my employment and compensation can be terminated at will, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, either at my option or at the option of the Company.  I understand that no employee or representative of the Company, other than the President of the Company, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any express or implied agreement contrary to the foregoing.  Further, the President of the Company may not alter the at-will nature of the employment relationship or enter into any employment agreement for a specified item unless the President and I both sign a written agreement that clearly and expressly specifies the intent to do so.  I agree that this application, along with other employment documents which I will sign if I am hired, shall constitute a final and fully binding integrated agreement with respect to the at-will nature of my employment relationship and that there are no oral or collateral agreements regarding this issue.

I also understand that all offers of employment are conditioned on the Company's receipt of satisfactory responses to reference requests and that provision of satisfactory proof of an applicant's identity and legal authority to work in the United States, as well as the satisfactory completion of any security screening, including pre-employment substance abuse screening, that may be required by the Company.

GCP Management, LLC will hire only individuals who are legally able to work in the United States.  Proof of Identity and authorization to work legally in the United States will be required of all job candidates.

(*) Denotes Required Field. Please enter "N/A" if not applicable to you.

Online Employment Application

------------------------- Your Information -------------------------
Please type your full name.
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Invalid email address.
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------------------------- Submitting For -------------------------
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----------------------------- Work Status -------------------------------
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------------------------- Sky Creek Ranch History -------------------------
Have you ever interviewed with Sky Creek Ranch before?
Invalid Input
If yes, list date, job title, location of most recent interview:
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Have you ever been employed with Sky Creek Ranch before?
Invalid Input
If yes, list date, job title, location of most recent position:
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Are any of your relatives employed at Sky Creek Ranch ?
Invalid Input
If yes, list name, job title, location:
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------------------------- Background -------------------------
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, excluding misdemeanor and summary offenses?
Invalid Input
Have you ever been fired, asked to resign, or been subject to disciplinary action in your current or previous employment?
Invalid Input
Have you ever been counseled or disciplined for cash handling discrepancies?
Invalid Input
Are you able to perform all the essential functions of the job for which you are applying with or without reasonable accommodations?
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If hired, do you agree to abide by the safety rules of the company?
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Have you ever been counseled or disciplined for being late to work or school?
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If hired, can you provide proof of eligibility to work in the United States prior to starting work?
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----------------------- List Completed Education -------------------------
Middle School (Name, Address, Highest Grade Completed) Only Necessary for students not old enough to attend High School yet:
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High School (Name, Address, Major, and Degree/Diploma/License or Certificates):
Invalid Input
College (Name, Address, Major, and Degree/Diploma/License or Certificates):
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Graduate School (Name, Address, Major, and Degree/Diploma/License or Certificates):
Invalid Input
--------------------------- Employment History ----------------------------
--------- Job 1 Info ---------
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--------- Job 2 Info ---------
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--------- Job 3 Info ---------
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----------------- Additional Information -----------------
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---------------- Complete Code to Submit -----------------

Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club
600 Promontory Drive
Keller, TX 76248